Mindfulness & Meditation with Sydney Institute of Meditation
There is now a huge amount of scientific evidence showing the benefits of mindfulness and meditation. You too can:

Reduce stress
and anxiety

Have better


Increase focus,
concentration and

Increase positive
Download our completely free Meditate and Create app now from the Google Playstore.
Meditations for breath, body scan, mantra, pain, anxiety, loving-kindness, open-awareness and more, and a choice of background sounds with a separate volume control.

The ‘how’ and ‘why’
Practicing mindfulness and meditation leads to a happier life, both for yourself, and those around you.
Invest in the 5-hour course to learn the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of this amazing skill. It has the potential to transform your life.

Teacher Training
Deepen your understanding of yourself, enhance your happiness, and at the same time learn how to share and teach this great skill.
Our courses are accredited by the Meditation Association of Australia.
The Teacher Training course is also now available in the UK and America.

Corporate Workshops
Invest in your employees’ health and well-being and your company will reap the benefits.
Develop focus and productivity in the workplace, more harmonious relationships and less absenteeism. Create a work culture such that no employee wants to leave you!
Why learn with Sydney Institute of Meditation?
Because you will be learning with the best! Our teachers are extremely knowledgeable and registered with the Meditation Association of Australia. Concepts are explained in clear and simple terms and made easy to understand.
Many courses teach the ‘how to’ meditate and be mindful, but very few explain the ‘why’, or touch on the science at all. A greater understanding of the science leads to a readier acceptance. You will then be more likely to invest time in practicing, and consequently experience the many benefits.
What is the Plus in Mindfulness Meditation Plus?
As well as the science of meditation, our courses cover the latest scientific understanding of emotions, impulses and happiness. No other courses offer this. Our objective is to help you improve your life to be the best it can possibly be!