Meditation Teacher Mentoring Program

Meditation Teacher mentoring program

Sydney Institute of Meditation offers an online Meditation Teacher Mentoring program for newly qualified Meditation Teachers.

The first years of teaching Meditation can be eased by joining a Mentoring Program. Sydney Institute of Meditation has worked with the Meditation Association of Australia (MA), to develop this accredited Mentoring program.

How does it work?

When enrolled into the mentoring program, you are expected to teach / guide at least 30 hours of meditation within two years, and keep written reflections on your teaching.

You can attend 8 group zoom meetings to discuss your progress, your experiences teaching and guiding, problems that have arisen, ask for advice, etc. The group setting allows you to learn from other students’ experiences, as well as from your mentor.

You need to attend 8 meetings and submit reflections on your 30 hours of teaching experience.

When are the meetings?

The zoom meetings are the third Sunday of each month, at 7pm.

How much does the meditation teacher mentoring program cost?

The cost of the mentoring program is $590. There is a 30% discount for teachers who have completed their Meditation Teacher Training with Sydney Institute of Meditation, making the cost $413. At completion, you will receive a certificate, recognised by MA, showing you have completed the Meditation Teacher Mentoring program. This allows you to become a Full Member with MA.

Payment in Australian dollars can be made by direct deposit into the following account:
Sydney Institute of Meditation, BSB: 032136 Account: 122636
(Payment plans are available on request). 

Terms & conditions of booking:

  • When you submit the booking form and pay in full, then your place on the course is confirmed.
  • The course payment is non-refundable.
  • You are responsible for attending 8 meetings within 2 years.
  • You are responsible for submitting reflections on your 30 hours of teaching / guiding.

If you have questions, and would like more information, then please Contact Us.